凸包算法详解(convex hull)
步骤:1. 把所有点放在二维坐标系中,则纵坐标最小的点一定是凸包上的点,例如p0
2. 把所有点的坐标平移一下, 使P0作为原点
3. 计算各个点相对于P0的幅角α,按从小到大的顺序对各个点排序。当α相同时,距离p0比较近的排在前面。结果中的第一个点和最后一个点一定是凸包上的点。
- 连接P0和栈顶那个点,得到直线L。看当前点是在直线L的右边还是左边。如果在直线的右边就执行步骤5;如果在直线上,或者在直线的左边就执行步骤6。
- 如果在右边,则栈顶的那个元素不是凸包上的点,把栈顶元素出栈。执行步骤4。
- 当前点是凸包上的点,把它压入栈,执行步骤7。
- 检查当前的点 P2 是不是步骤3那个结果的最后一个元素。是最后一个元素的话就结束。如果不是的话就把P2后面那个点做当前点,返回步骤4。
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| #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main() { int i, size = 4; double px, py; cout << "please input the size"; cin >> size; mpoint *points; int miny_point_id; double *mcos; points = new mpoint[size]; mcos = new double[size]; for(i 0; i < size; i++) { cin >> px; cin >> py; points[i].x = px; points[i].y = py; } class mpoint{ //class point(x, y) public: double x; double y; mpoint(double xx = 0, double yy = 0){ x = xx; y = yy; } }; int get_miny_point_id(mpoint *points, int size){ //get the point with min_y int i, min_id = 0; double miny = 10000; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(points[i].y < miny){ miny = points[i].y; min_id = i; } } return min_id; } void get_cos(mpoint *points, double *mcos, int id, int size){ //get point's cos int i; double coss; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(i == id){ mcos[i] = 2; } else{ coss = (points[i].x - points[id].x) / sqrt((points[i].x - points[id].x) * (points[i].x - points[id].x) + (points[i].y - points[id].y) * (points[i].y - points[id].y)); mcos[i] = coss; } } } void sort_points(mpoint *points, double *mcos, int size){ //sort the points int i, j; double temp_cos; mpoint temp_point; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ for(j = 0; j < size - i - 1; j++){ //bubble sorting if(mcos[j] < mcos[j + 1]){ temp_cos = mcos[j]; mcos[j] = mcos[j + 1]; mcos[j + 1] = temp_cos; temp_point = points[j]; points[j] = points[j + 1]; points[j + 1] = temp_point; } } } } int ccw(mpoint a, mpoint b, mpoint c){ //judge if it is couter-colockwise double area2 = (b.x-a.x) * (c.y-a.y) - (b.y-a.y) * (c.x-a.x); if (area2 < 0){ return -1; // clockwise } else{ if (area2 > 0) return 1; // counter-clockwise else return 0; // collinear } } void get_outpoint(mpoint *points, int size){ //get points in stack int i, k; vector <mpoint>outpoint; outpoint.push_back(points[0]); outpoint.push_back(points[1]); i = 2; while(true){ if(i == size){ break; } if(ccw(outpoint[outpoint.size() - 2], outpoint[outpoint.size() - 1], points[i]) > 0){ outpoint.push_back(points[i]); i = i + 1; } else{ outpoint.pop_back(); } } cout << "The outpoints are: " << endl; for(k = 0; k < outpoint.size(); k++){ cout << outpoint[k].x << " " << outpoint[k].y << endl; } } }
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| class mpoint{ //class point(x, y) public: double x; double y; mpoint(double xx = 0, double yy = 0){ x = xx; y = yy; } }; int get_miny_point_id(mpoint *points, int size){ //get the point with min_y int i, min_id = 0; double miny = 10000; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(points[i].y < miny){ miny = points[i].y; min_id = i; } } return min_id; } void get_cos(mpoint *points, double *mcos, int id, int size){ //get point's cos int i; double coss; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(i == id){ mcos[i] = 2; } else{ coss = (points[i].x - points[id].x) / sqrt((points[i].x - points[id].x) * (points[i].x - points[id].x) + (points[i].y - points[id].y) * (points[i].y - points[id].y)); mcos[i] = coss; } } } void sort_points(mpoint *points, double *mcos, int size){ //sort the points int i, j; double temp_cos; mpoint temp_point; for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ for(j = 0; j < size - i - 1; j++){ //bubble sorting if(mcos[j] < mcos[j + 1]){ temp_cos = mcos[j]; mcos[j] = mcos[j + 1]; mcos[j + 1] = temp_cos; temp_point = points[j]; points[j] = points[j + 1]; points[j + 1] = temp_point; } } } } int ccw(mpoint a, mpoint b, mpoint c){ //judge if it is couter-colockwise double area2 = (b.x-a.x) * (c.y-a.y) - (b.y-a.y) * (c.x-a.x); if (area2 < 0){ return -1; // clockwise } else{ if (area2 > 0) return 1; // counter-clockwise else return 0; // collinear } } void get_outpoint(mpoint *points, int size){ //get points in stack int i, k; vector <mpoint>outpoint; outpoint.push_back(points[0]); outpoint.push_back(points[1]); i = 2; while(true){ if(i == size){ break; } if(ccw(outpoint[outpoint.size() - 2], outpoint[outpoint.size() - 1], points[i]) > 0){ outpoint.push_back(points[i]); i = i + 1; } else{ outpoint.pop_back(); } } cout << "The outpoints are: " << endl; for(k = 0; k < outpoint.size(); k++){ cout << outpoint[k].x << " " << outpoint[k].y << endl; } }